8 HDB Renovation Rules for BTO and Resale Flats.
Whether you have a BTO or a Resale Flat, its essential you are familiar with HDB rules and guidelines in place before you start any works. These rules apply whether you are doing a full home renovation or simply wanting to upgrade one room such as your kitchen or bathrooms.
HDB have strict guidelines for renovation
Congratulations, you are about to get your keys to your new BTO flat or you have purchased an HDB resale flat and are now planning your home renovation.
As tempting as it would be to dive straight into planning paint colours and choosing appliances and furniture for your new apartment, first you need to be familiar with and adhere to the rules and regulations set out by HDB.
Remember, failing to follow any of the rules set out by HDB is not an option. The rules and regulations are set out to ensure the safety of your home and your block. If in doubt, always ask prior to commencement of work, it always pays to check twice and do it once.
Submit all plans to HDB for approval before hacking or erecting walls.
You may have a vision of an open plan home, with plenty of light streaming through and the easiest way to do this is to hack or knock down walls. A good example of this is to remove a wall between the kitchen and living room to create an open plan kitchen/ living space with an island in the middle. Be warned, any hacking of walls requires approval from HDB.
Which walls can be hacked?
Some walls, columns, beams and slabs are load-bearing walls and cannot be removed, moved or altered in any way. But why are load-bearing walls important? Simply put, load-bearing walls are structural elements in the home that help to transfer weight from the roof, through the floors, and down to the foundation.
On your floor plan, load-bearing walls are usually shaded in solid black or grey. Other walls, which are normally shown with double lines in your floor plan, though not load-bearing, hide important wiring and piping and cannot be tampered with. Therefore it is essential that you get permission from HDB before you hack or take down any walls within your home.
What about building new walls?
Similarly, you also need permission from HDB to erect any walls. Whilst splitting a room in two may seem to solve challenges such as creating enough private sleeping areas for each family member, there are rules and regulations such as adequate ventilation, access to fire escapes etc which HDB will take into account before granting any permits required.
Remember, get any permits or permissions from HDB in writing. Your contractor will need to apply for these, but as the homeowner, you should ask for and keep a copy of these from your contractor.
2. Exposed pipes cannot be permanently concealed.
Yes, we understand that some homeowners want to cover up exposed pipes in their bathrooms or kitchens as they may detract from the overall appearance and style you are going for. This is, however, simply not possible as pipes cannot be permanently concealed. In the case of any clogs or issues with the piping, HDB must be able to access the pipes to carry out their investigations or repair works.
That doesn't mean you can't be creative, work with your Interior Designer or Contractor to explore options that may work within your space.
3. Renovation Timings.
Renovation timings must be strictly adhered to
Typically, homeowners must occupy the flat for at least 5 years before applying for the Request for Confirmation of Eligibility to Sell Your HDB Flat and putting it up on the market. Why is this important? Well, let's face it, you are going to be living beside your neighbours for at least the next few years. Start the relationship off right by bearing in mind that renovation works are noisy and disruptive, not just for you, but for those living within your block.
Arguably, sticking to the timings set out by HDB isn't only a renovation requirement but also your social responsibility as a homeowner to minimise disruption for your neighbours.
So what are the specific rules?
General renovation work can be done from 9 am to 6 pm on weekdays and Saturdays
No renovation works at all, no matter how quiet they are can be carried out on Sundays and Public holidays
Noisy works like demolishing of walls, cutting of tiles or excessive drilling can only be done from 9 am to 5 pm on weekdays
Renovation contractors are allowed to use not more than 2 HDB Approved Hand-held Power Tools or their equivalent at any one time to demolish walls and/or remove of wall/ floor finishes.
Such work must be completed within 3 consecutive days.
No noisy renovation works can be carried out on weekends, public holidays and eve of major public holidays
Other important rules:
Once you get your permit, you’ve got 3 months to complete your renovation in the case of a new BTO flat, or 1 month if it’s a resale HDB flat.
You have to inform at least 2 neighbours of your renovation, at least 3 days in advance.
With so many of your neighbours working from home, be considerate and work with your Interior Designers and Contractors to keep disruption to a minimum. A little bit of courtesy goes a long way.
4. Front door needs to be fire-rated.
Ensure you install a fire rated front door to your HDB
Whilst you can replace the internal doors within your HDB with few restrictions, there are separate rules when it comes to replacing your front door. All front doors must be suitably fire rated. The replacement door and/ or frame must be half-hour fire-rated and the frame must have a self-closing device. Most HDB front doors are designed to contain smoke and fire within the unit so they don’t spread to staircases or lift lobbies. Given the risk of fire, making sure that your new front door meets HDB’s guidelines is essential to protect you, your family and your neighbours in the event of a fire.
5. Electrical works.
Electric jobs include the electrical wiring of lights, air-con units, switches and more in a house interior decoration in Singapore. If you're looking for a brand-new electricity supply, the HDB standards regarding electrical jobs tell you the process of what you require to do. They also tell you what you need to do in order to get an upgrade on your already existing electrical power supply. The standards provide a detailed situation of all the important things you should provide for either of these situations.
6. False Ceiling.
You don’t need an HDB permit to install a false ceiling, but you’ll need a minimum floor-to-ceiling height of 2.4 metres. The standard HDB floor-to-ceiling height is 2.6 metres, which gives you a 20-centimetre leeway to make it fancy schmancy. As counter-intuitive as it may sound, installing a false ceiling can actually add perceived height to your home – the gap between the original and the lowered ceiling creates a sense of depth and space.
Also, false ceilings are strictly not allowed in bathrooms; in the kitchen, they should not cover the gas pipes.
HDB Flooring needs to adhere to strict guidelines
7. Flooring.
There are 2 means to revamp your floor: overlay laminate tiles on top of your existing tiles, or hack out the existing tiles completely and replace them with new ones.
Only the latter needs an HDB license. Due to the fact that overlaying floor covering is much more budget-friendly than redesigning your entire apartment, a lot of homeowners prefer overlays instead.
Keep in mind, no matter which option you choose, the total thickness of your flooring surface can not surpass 50mm.
8. Changing windows and grilles.
Firstly, a renovation permit from HDB is required for all windows replacement work. A BCA Approved Window Contractor (AWC) who is listed in HDB’s Directory of Renovation Contractors needs to apply for a renovation permit from HDB before carrying out the window replacement works. If you want to replace Grilles, similar restrictions apply. If you are not sure if the window works you want to carry out will be in violation of any HDB rules, it is important to check with your BCA AWC or the HDB website at the planning stage.
What Drives Up (Or Down) Your Renovation Costs?
When the excitement of the prospect of getting your keys wears off, you start to realise that now is the time to start planning and budgeting for your home renovation. There are a number of factors that influence how much your home renovation will cost, our guide will help you to set out your budget and look at ways that you can cut down on costs.
When the excitement of the prospect of getting your keys wears off, you start to realise that now is the time to start planning and budgeting for your home renovation. There are a number of factors that influence how much your home renovation will cost, our guide will help you to set out your budget and look at ways that you can cut down on costs.
The scope of the renovation in terms of size is going to play a big role in determining how much your renovation will cost. If you are updating the entire interior or exterior of your home, the cost of the renovation is going to be much higher than that of a renovation that only involves a single room. If budget is the only thing that is holding you back from pursuing a larger renovation, you can try re-purposing items or skipping minor points of the renovation in order to reduce the costs.
The type of home you have whether it’s an HDB flat, condo, or landed house will impact your costs. The renovation work for an old resale flat varies greatly compared to a brand new HDB BTO apartment, due to the costs of demolishing, repairing and refurbishing the old items the previous owner has left behind.
New condominium units will generally cost less to renovate than HDB flats because they already come with kitchen and bathroom fittings. On the other hand, a newly built HDB flat will need things like new floorings, walls, and built-in cupboards, in addition to kitchen and bathroom fittings.
However, a new BTO flat is less expensive to renovate than a resale flat. Due to outdated design features and fittings, older houses might not match your aesthetic. In the event that it has not been renovated in the past 20 years, you may want to do a major renovation. The plumbing and wiring might also need to be redone, as they might have worn out over the years.
Contractor Versus Interior Designer.
It may seem obvious but different companies charge different prices. Each also offers different services that will mean you need to choose between investing more of your time or more of your budget. Need help deciding between them? Check out our handy guide on how to choose between a Contractor or Interior Designer.
How Much Work You Want To Do.
Are you more or less satisfied with the way things are going? What if you wanted to knock down walls and build your dream house (almost) from scratch, with custom carpentry?
The amount of work you want to be done forms the backbone of your costs after the size of your home. You will spend a large portion of your renovation budget on:
Hacking means tearing down walls, rebuilding walls, or touching up walls. The labour costs will depend on the wall size, thickness, and the amount of hacking that needs to be done.
In masonry, new walls are built or old walls are repaired. The cost of more complex renovations masonry work is determined by the area size and the amount of labour. It also includes flooring, tiling, and wet works.
Carpentry: Do you want built-in wardrobes, kitchen cabinets, or desks? Then you’ll need to set aside a budget for carpentry. The cost for these customised solutions depends on the area size and amount of workmanship you’ll require.
Confused with renovation jargon? Check out 3 Key Renovation Terms You Need to Know.
Type of Materials You Want To Use.
What kind of materials would you like to use for your new flooring, cabinets, and countertops? The costs of renovations will be impacted by these options as well. Below we go into some of the cost differences between typical quotes and what you end up choosing.
Unforeseen Costs.
Electrical Works.
Once you start to get quotes from Interior Design firms, you may see that electrical works are missing from their quote. The costs of electrical works depend on the size of your home and the scope of work needed. Most electricians won’t be able to give you a quote without a site visit. Factor this in when you are budgeting for your reno. You may need a few electrical quotes to compare so set aside time for this. The cost of electrical works can add up if you add in additional power points, concealed wiring or if you decide to rewire your entire home.
Plumbing Works.
It is more common for ID firms to include plumbing work in their quotations, but some don't when they don't have contracted plumbers. As with electrical work, you'll need to get a plumber to visit the site before you can get an accurate quote.
Bathroom Accessories.
For installation of your toilet fixtures and pipes in your bathrooms, you may need to hire a plumber. Having your pipes concealed or moving the location of sinks and showers will also drive up the cost of your renovation.
Lighting and Fixtures.
You can't guess how much you'll spend on these since prices depend on factors like the size of fixtures you need, brands, functions, and materials. You will need to research and budget for the types of lighting and fixtures you want within your home. These include everything from Pendant Lights to Bathroom Sinks.
Materials for flooring and walls.
You're most likely to get a quote tailored to your budget when you request it from an ID or a contractor. If you have a strict budget, you can expect quotes for materials like tiles and vinyl to reflect the lowest possible price. Several options are available for $3/sqft vinyl and tiles, but note that the selection is limited at this price point. It becomes evident when you select your preferred materials - aesthetic and high-quality materials tend to have higher prices. Even after you've signed a payment contract, you'll likely be billed for additional costs incurred if you change your mind and opt for higher-priced materials.
Hinges and handles for carpentry and doors.
The question you might ask is why a cupboard would not come with hinges? The world operates this way. Some of the reasons for this are designed to reduce your costs, as hinges are more expensive from 3rd party sources. It’s best to clarify at the quote stage whether your carpentry quote includes hinges or not so that you don’t get a surprise later on.
Detailed false ceilings tend to cost more when compared to normal ceilings. If you want features like rounded details, L-box or U-box shapes or cove lighting for your ceiling, expect the final price to shoot up.
Platform Beds.
Platform beds are extremely popular in Singapore, especially for compact bedrooms. This kind of bed does away with the necessity of having a wardrobe in the bedroom. However, the carpentry charges for this type of integrated and multi-functional furniture is higher than usual.
Shelving and Partitions.
Open shelves and niches (mostly with profile lighting) are an expensive design feature to have in your home. Moreover, installing partitions too tends to raise the final cost of renovations to a large extent.
Custom Furniture.
Furniture in unusual shapes is more expensive. Rounded furniture or furniture that has oblique/unusual shapes (like hexagonal, abstract etc.) costs more than furniture in common forms. The prior has more novelty and stands out as a statement. If that is your intention, the extra cost is a matter of choice.
Length Of Time To Do Your Renovation.
The longer your renovation takes to complete, the more it will cost. Renovations that are more complex often require more workers working for longer hours. If you want to save money, scaling back your renovation could help to keep labour costs down and also help you to finish more quickly. It is also a good idea to keep in mind that renovations can not go on for a variable period of time and must have a set start and end date.
Post-renovation cleaning.
Your renovation quote most likely includes protection for floors, general chemical cleaning and the cleaning of debris. This can add an additional $1,00 dollars to your quote. Ve warned though, it can take time for dust and debris to settle. You may need to budget for a professional cleaning firm to do a final clean before you move in. The other cost-saving option is for you (and your family and friends perhaps!) to have the time to clean every nook and cranny in your home yourself.
Final Advice - Always get an itemised breakdown of your renovation costs.
Obtaining multiple quotes is a good rule of thumb before signing on with a particular company, so you can sort out the details. Compare each quote right down to the unit price so that you can easily identify if you need to top up more cash for items and services that aren't always included, such as fixtures and installation.
Being a homeowner and renovating your home into your dream home is an exciting and monumental step in life. The hidden costs of renovation can make your plans seem futile, especially if you are not willing to pay for essentials like electrical works and home fixtures. It’s best to always have a budget set aside for unforeseen costs.
A Guide To Scandinavian Interior Design Style.
Interior design in the Scandinavian style is simple, minimalist, and functional and it continues to be a popular trend in interior design in Singapore. Want to create a Scandinavian interior design for your space, but you aren't sure how to go about it? We have tips and tricks to make it a success.
Interior design in the Scandinavian style is simple, minimalist, and functional. Scandinavian design isn't a new phenomenon, but it continues to be a popular trend in interior design today, particularly in Singapore. Scandinavian design is a design movement characterized by a focus on functionalism and simplicity. It also includes the use of natural materials, such as leather and wood. Furthermore, Scandinavian interiors are often characterized by a connection to nature, which combines natural shapes, abstracted elements, and natural elements.
Scandinavian interiors have a certain magic. This chic home has a cosy vibe with a neutral colour palette and minimal adornments. When it comes to creating a Scandinavian interior design for your space, but you aren't sure how to go about it, here are tips and tricks to make it a success.
What is Scandinavian Style?
Scandinavian decor style captures the balance between comfort and minimalism found in Scandinavian design. It is one of the interior design styles that influenced (and grew with) modern interior design in the 20th century. Clean lines, minimal decoration, and the importance of artwork are a few examples.
Below are our top tips to bring a Scandinavian theme into your home.
Accessorize With Warm Textiles.
Scandinavian countries are characterized by climates that are extremely cold. Therefore, warm textiles are frequently used in Scandinavian home décor. Whilst Singapore doesn’t have the weather of these Scandanavian countries, we can still bring in the warm textiles to create the Scandanavian styles in BTO’s, HDB’s, Condos or Landed Properties. There are a variety of textiles you can choose from, including throws and rugs made from wool, sheepskins, or mohair. Or choose options that look like they come from these materials.
Choose Simple Decorative Pieces.
Scandinavian interior design is known for its simplicity. As a result, when it comes to decorating a Scandinavian themed home, always choose those decorative accents that have a simple design. Decorative ceramic vases may be the perfect addition to the living room table. Using throws and pillows that have simple geometric prints will bring texture and colour to your Scandinavian interior.
Combine Both Wood And Metal Finishings.
In a Scandinavian design, wooden elements are used not only in the flooring but also in the furniture and fixtures. Scandinavian houses are usually furnished with wood for their furniture, such as coffee tables and chairs. Recent trends in Scandinavian decorating, however, combine metallic details with wooden elements. Brass pendants and copper sconces are suspended from the ceiling to bring light and shine into the room.
Look At Plants And Fresh Flowers To Decorate.
To add a living element of colour and beauty to your Scandinavian interior design, consider adding natural elements. Plants and fresh flowers can be put to good use when decorating your Scandinavian theme. In order to achieve Scandinavian design, it must include floral elements and fresh flowers.
Neutral Colours.
The Scandinavian style decor includes a particular colour palette of grey, white, brown, and black. When decorating a Scandinavian living room, focus on the use of these neutral colours in order to create a clean and soothing atmosphere. You are not limited to these colours though, you can also add pops of colours, such as fuchsia and sea greens. In typical Scandinavian home decor, walls are often painted in white in order for the furniture and decorative pieces to stand out.
Hygge Colours.
Hygge, however, is what sets Scandinavian home decor apart from other styles. Specifically, to create an environment that fosters feelings of warmth, contentment, and cosiness. The term is derived from Denmark, but many Nordic homes share the same comforting essence without too much ornamentation.
The perfect amount of furniture and decor is used in Scandinavian interiors - neither too much nor too little. Scandi colour schemes are no different. Colours in this style are typically calming and neutral, with white, gray, black, and blue accents.
White Scandinavian Decor.
The Scandinavian design style emphasizes simplicity and naturalness as much as possible. Scandinavian design is functional but also pleasing to the touch. Fabrics and handmade items are certainly earthy in their textures that give Scandi home decor a Scandinavian feel. A cool colour scheme is complemented by wood, leather, and rugs.
Keep Your Interior Clutter-Free.
The Scandinavian interior design style puts a strong emphasis on keeping the space clutter-free. Organizing storage spaces smartly should therefore be a priority to avoid unnecessary clutter. Scandinavian decor is characterized by the "less is more" philosophy in order to keep the space looking less cluttered and more visually relaxing.
Choose Light-Coloured Flooring.
Scandanavian themes usually use light hardwood flooring either in its natural light colour or painted white. A Scandinavian design is perfect for laminated flooring. Your home will appear brighter and more spacious with the addition of new flooring that oozes an air of warmth and welcome.
Light Window Treatments.
Adding plenty of light to a Scandinavian theme can make the space more inviting. The Scandinavian design maintains a very minimal use of window treatments to allow the light to enter the room. If window coverings are necessary for your Scandinavian decor, choose light fabrics such as sheer curtains.
Lighting Is Crucial.
Scandinavian interior design emphasizes the importance of lighting. In Scandinavian décor, light is considered a life source, and there should be different types of lighting to ensure adequate illumination. In a Scandinavian home design, lighting also sets the mood. Modern lighting can be incorporated into an industrial design by using wall sconces and pendant lights.
Form Combined With Function.
In Scandinavian design, furniture should have clean lines. Tables, chairs, and sofas should have rounded and smooth edges to complement the Scandinavian decor. It is also common for Scandinavian design to incorporate a multi-tiered wall shelf in a Scandinavian living room due to its innovative and functional use of space. Innovative and space-efficient storage spaces add visual interest to space.
5 Easy Ways to Get Started WIth This Style
1. Nature-Inspired Artwork
The Scandinavian wall decor is often influenced by nature or human form, whether it is an abstract watercolor or a line drawing. If you like monochrome artwork, you can exhibit it by itself, in series or as a larger grouping.
2. Fluffy Textiles
In addition to adding warmth, throws and rugs also soften the sometimes-stark look of a Scandinavian interior. As well as adding a stylish element to the design, these fluffy additions provide functionality.
3. Statement Lighting
The decoration is limited, so functional elements also take on an ornamental quality. Lighting is an example of this. Lighting fixtures with lantern-like shapes are popular. Nonetheless, the latest Scandinavian house decor trends also feature whimsical and colourful lighting designs.
4. Simple Patterns
Scandinavian home decor keeps its patterns and motifs simple. Those homes are filled with sweet cross motifs, straight lines, and mini chevrons. Soft furnishings with patterns can add a bit of fun to a Nordic-inspired interior.
5. Natural Materials
The Scandinavian style is characterized by the use of natural materials like wood and leather. It is the combination of rustic elements from the earth with soft and cosy textiles that makes this style so appealing.
How To Make Your Small Singapore Bathroom Feel Bigger.
If you're wondering how to make a small bathroom look bigger, there are lots of clever design tricks you can use. Whether with decor, mirrors, or layout, you can instantly make your space feel larger and brighter. Below, we take you through all the tricks you can employ to make a small bathroom look bigger. You can also use these bathroom ideas in more spacious areas to max out the square footage.
Make your small bathroom feel more spacious with an all white scheme.
Most of us would like to make our small bathrooms look more spacious. After all, bathrooms are often the smallest rooms in the house. Yet they must function well, and because we go there to relax, we want them to look great, too. So, it’s worth learning key interior design tips and tricks. If you're wondering how to make a small bathroom look bigger, there are lots of clever design tricks you can use. Whether with decor, mirrors, or layout, you can instantly make your space feel larger and brighter. Below, we take you through all the tricks you can employ to make a small bathroom look bigger. You can also use these bathroom ideas in more spacious areas to max out the square footage.
Top Tips To Make Your Bathroom Seem More Spacious.
Install Sliding Doors.
If you find yourself doing acrobatics to dodge the door while entering and exiting your tiny toilet, you’ll probably want to consider replacing the door with a sliding or bi-fold one. This way, you won’t have to factor in the area taken up by the door as it swings, giving you extra room.
When choosing a sliding door, using lighter materials such as wood makes it easier to slide open while putting less strain on the track mechanism supporting it. You may even opt for a door that slides into a wall for a minimalist aesthetic. One key point to note is that not all sliding doors or bi-fold doors come with a lock, so make sure you ask your supplier before you sign up for new bathroom doors.
Install Wall-mounted Or Compact Fixtures.
Wall mounted vanities can make your bathroom appear bigger.
Floor space comes at a premium when it comes to tiny bathrooms, which is why it’s prudent to keep as many fixtures off the floor and opt for compact versions. Where possible, install a wall-mounted basin, toilet bowl and cabinets. It’ll give you more floor space to work with and a less cluttered look. The best part: keeping the floor obstruction-free will make cleaning a breeze, and it also provides less opportunity for grime and mould to accumulate. A compact corner basin and faucet take up almost no space at all and will do wonders in keeping your toilet a clutter-free area.
Build Shelves Into Toilet Walls For Storage.
Maximising space doesn’t just stop at using smaller appliances; you can exploit every nook and cranny by building shelves into non-structural walls. Doing so adds storage space for your toiletries and a little more depth to your bathroom as it makes your walls look a little farther away than they are.
Replace Windows To Let In More Natural Light.
If a room is poorly lit, it can make even the most spacious room feel claustrophobic. By allowing more natural light into the bathroom, the space is opened up visually and make it seem more spacious than it actually is. The default louvre windows most homeowners get with their HDBs can sometimes be rather dim. For an easy fix, upgrade these panes to frosted glass options that allow more light in, or even swap the bulky frame of louvre windows for the cleaner design of top-hung windows. HDB has several rules regarding window type and materials depending on the unit, so be sure to check with your contractor.
Place Mirrors To Reflect Light.
Combine mirrors and lighting to give the illusion of space.
Clever placement of mirrors can make bathrooms appear double in size and enhance aesthetics, especially when installed in neat and minimalist toilets. When it comes to size, we suggest going BIG with your bathroom mirror. Pick longer or more expansive mirrors to accentuate vertical and horizontal lines to add height and width, respectively. As a bonus, opt for frameless mirrors to further give the illusion of space as there is less visual clutter. If you’re feeling fancy, you may also choose to install mirrors with backlighting, making your bathroom look extra-posh while introducing more ambient light.
Use Glossy Materials Such As Marble For Walls And Flooring.
To amplify the maximum amount of natural light, use glossy, light-reflecting materials such as marble for our walls and flooring. Not only does it make your bathroom feel more extensive, it also gives it an opulent, five-star hotel-worthy touch.
Use A Bright And Consistent Palette.
Colours can affect our perception of space, so we should choose carefully. Warmer tones make for cosy vibes, but cooler palettes help rooms feel cleaner and more open – while also reflecting the most amount of light. In addition to selecting the right colour for the various surfaces, picking bathroom light fixtures with a suitable colour temperature is also essential. Pick bright bulbs that lean toward a cooler tone to enhance the effect of visual spaciousness.
Use Similar Tile Designs For Your Floor And Walls.
When it comes to tile designs, going with a lighter theme while maintaining consistency with similar shades helps avoid breaking up space visually, resulting in a seamless and spacious bathroom design. To accentuate this, line your walls with long tiles to emphasise the height of your bathroom and match it with similar floor tiles to complete the illusion.
A similar wall and floor tile can make your bathroom seem more spacious.
Use Glass Shower Screens.
By opting for clear glass dividers or translucent shower curtains, you’ll allow more light to invigorate the space while keeping the area unobstructed. If shower curtains or dividers do not match your aesthetic, you can also consider doing away with them altogether.
Top And Tail The Bathroom With White.
If your space is narrow, one top interior design tip is to paint the ceiling white and have the floor tiles in a light colour also. Pick up the white again with the basin unit. It prevents the ‘middle’ of the scheme from looking too heavy. Use white paint around the window instead of tiles to highlight it and reflect the light back in.
Try Tone on Tone.
Not a fan of stark white? You can still get a huge and breezy effect with a tone-on-tone palette in warm beige, soft greys coloured faint hues such as powder blue. Choose a neutral tile and find a paint colour for the remaining walls that picks up one of its hues. The overall effect is still serene and spa-like, without the jarring visual breaks to shrink your perception of the space.
Use a Floating Vanity.
A floating vanity is great within a small bathroom. It gives you lots of room to store daily essentials, but the peek of flooring underneath makes the area feel more open. In a tiny space, having a little bit more room to plant your feet can make a big difference.
Use Bright Lighting.
Good lighting is essential to making any space look big and open, but in bathrooms, which often don’t have much natural light available, it’s imperative. Plus, in a bathroom, you need good lighting to do things such as shave or apply makeup effectively. For these reasons, it’s vital to have a rich lighting scheme, preferably with multiple light sources at different locations. A grid of ceiling lights, as well as sconces or a contemporary edge-lighted mirror, will help you avoid shadowing and make the space feel bright and open. In a small bathroom, or where you can’t add new electrical for lights, try changing your ceiling light to one with multiple bulbs, so you have light coming from several directions from one fixture.
Opt For A Corner Tub Or Shower Tub Combo To Save Space.
Instead of having just a standalone shower in your HDB bathroom, try installing a shower-tub combo that takes up the same space as a regular shower. If a shower-tub combo is not for you and you’d instead separate your bath and shower, you could opt for a corner tub. These types of bathtubs take up much lesser space while still affording you the luxury of having a warm and relaxing bath after a tiring day at work.
Your Guide to Industrial Design Style.
The industrial design aesthetic manages to give a sleek looking modern space; yet also manages to incorporate an organic and old industrial charm. When you say industrial style, many people think about stainless steel and sharp edges. However, there can be much more to it. Our step by step guide shows you how to bring this into your home.
A few design trends are flexible, easy to implement, and a lot of fun to look at. And one of those is industrial style interior design. The industrial design aesthetic manages to give a sleek looking modern space; yet also manages to incorporate an organic and old industrial charm. When you say industrial style, many people think about stainless steel and sharp edges. However, there can be much more to it.
Industrial Living Room With Wood Tones
There are no true principles that urban industrial style was built from. Instead, it slowly morphed into today's Open-plan spaces with high ceilings, huge windows, and lofted bedroom space. The key element for any urban-industrial space is flexibility. Thoughtfully arranging furniture turns your Singapore HDB or Condo into whatever you need it to be — everything from a nursery to an office, while still being a place to call home.
What Is Industrial Design & Where Did It Originate?
Industrial Design Dining Space
The industrial look has been around for centuries, but initially, it was never a “style” at all. Or at least, it didn’t set out to be. In the 1700s, the industrial revolution hit, and the world was changed forever. Factories sprung up all over major cities in Europe and America. These large buildings were simple, functional, and utilitarian. They had huge windows to let in natural light and an open plan floor space. To save money and minimise fire risk, most were kept plain – no paint, and with bricks, pipe, and ductwork left completely exposed.
Two hundred years later, advancements in the construction industry allowed us to make bigger, better, and more efficient structures. The old factories closed down, giving way to modern manufacturing plants on the outskirts of the city. But the factories wouldn’t stay abandoned for long. In the mid-20th century, many of these spaces were revived. Not as factories, but as housing.
Thus, the “industrial chic” look was born. Interior designers worked with the exposed brick and metal to create spaces that were bold, edgy and could blend with any style.
Industrial really refers to the fact that this style is very much fuss-free. It is a no-nonsense type of interior design and pulls a lot of inspiration from warehouses, industrial structures, and factories. But that does not mean that it needs to be a cold environment.
Urban Industrial design is unique in comparison to other home styles. Instead of manifesting from an architectural movement, this gritty look came from a lifestyle choice of artists and musicians. Forgoing traditional housing for makeshift live-work spaces inside of abandoned warehouses and factories, artists created this thrown-together look of street finds, thrift store purchases, and pieces made out of whatever happened to be laying around.
You can have a nod to the industrial style interior design simply by having some bare bricks and some salvaged materials; exposed brickwork, industrial pipe, and more to pull this look together.
Why industrial style interior design might be for you.
Industrial bedroom with metal light fixture
There are some styles of interior design that are hard to keep up with. For example, if you love minimalism, but you have a family, minimalism can be hard to keep control of. More people usually means more stuff. You have to be very smart with storage, and that can take its toll. However, interior design that is based on industrial styling is super flexible.
While most people try to conceal the building materials of their home, the industrial interior design distinctly displays these materials. This results in the kind of raw, unfinished look that has recently become an incredibly popular design style. The industrial design mixes the old with the new by blending wood and metal elements in a unique and upscale way.
This style of home interior design is perfect for those living in an urban environment, so if you’re moving into or thinking of redoing your Singapore HDB apartment, renovating your BTO or your Condo, the industrial interior design may be the style for you. It’s all about showcasing neutral tones, an open layout, and mixing wood and metal furniture to achieve that signature industrial look.
Styling tips to bring Industrial Design into your home.
Bring industrial style into your bathroom with unique fixtures
The Key Features Of Industrial Decor.
Industrial home design features exposed pipes, air ducts, wire, beams, and brick.
Industrial homes are usually open concept.
Industrial furniture and decor is often blocky in shape and made of metal, wood, leather, and even salvaged parts.
Here’s how you can achieve the modern industrial style throughout the entire home.
All industrial spaces tend to follow the “converted warehouse” look even if the building is new construction and was never truly a warehouse, to begin with. This means brick walls, high ceilings (or the illusion of these), natural light, exposed piping, and small-plank wood or poured concrete floors. Carefully placed furniture and area rugs define each space as a living area, dining area, and office.
An open plan layout is a core element of industrial design.
True industrial lofts that have been converted from warehouses typically don’t have walls, but if they do, the walls are not full height, allowing natural light from the floor-to-ceiling windows to penetrate every corner.
If you have a loft to work with, the only clearly defined rooms are the kitchen and the bathroom. Often, lofts feature a one-wall kitchen with a cabinet, fridge, sink, and stove all along a single wall. Using a kitchen island is a great way to further define the kitchen and it can often double as a dining table. This keeps the kitchen open to the rest of the space and sticks with the flexibility rule that defines industrial design.
Industrial Style Flooring.
Flooring is similar to all other architectural elements of industrial design, in that it is usually made from natural materials such as wood and concrete. Concrete can be left a plain grey and polished or stained to give it a more old-fashioned look, which can bring in an interesting textural element. A concrete floor would feel unfinished in many other spaces, but it adds some real visual impact within industrial style homes.
Concrete floors can feel cold and impersonal to some people, so an alternative to consider is another natural flooring material like hardwood. If you’re doing a traditional take on industrial design, you would select distressed floors made from reclaimed wood. For a modern spin, you might choose polished wide planks of wood instead.
Area rugs to help delineate and define separate spaces. You can position these rugs carefully to create spaces like a living room and a dining nook. Proper rug placement is one of the easiest ways to help an open concept floor plan flow more naturally.
Concrete Or Brick Walls.
One of the easiest ways to achieve the industrial vibe is by leaving your concrete or brick walls just as they are. No paint or plaster is necessary.
Concrete is a blank slate – literally. You can match it with neutrals like grey or brown, or you can experiment with contrasting colours. What works best in an industrial styled home that has exposed brick walls and uncovered windows to let in the lightest, is a blend of deep colours, soft fabrics, and lots of patterns.
Generally speaking, industrial design features neutral colours. Black and white both feature prominently, along with various shades of grey and brown. Using neutral tones throughout the home helps it feel more spacious and lends a sense of continuity. Using neutral tones can also help the industrial details in a room pop out even more.
You can bring in your own personality with bright pops of colour in the form of art, rugs, and some other decor that will be in direct opposition to your industrial style.
Exposed Piping.
In most homes, exposed pipes and structural beams would be plastered over, covered up, and painted before you even move in. But with industrial house design, you can skip that last step and save on money and stress. Exposed piping is a staple of the industrial style. This makes it perfect for HDB’s where piping cannot be permanently concealed. And contrary to what some people believe, it isn’t messy at all. It’s authentic, raw, and captivating.
Use Metal And Wood Furniture.
A key feature of industrial design is the use of metal and wood in the space. Selecting furniture pieces made from either metal or wood blends the old with the new and gives your home an interesting contrast. Wooden pieces should be weathered rather than new looking, so find unfinished furniture.
For metal furniture, you can choose an antique brushed or oiled finish to give your home a vintage feel. If you prefer a more modern look, you can opt for polished chrome. And metal furniture doesn’t have to be uncomfortable; you can find plenty of comfortable metal bar stools or tables that will accentuate your home's style without sacrificing comfort. After all, this style is meant to be inviting, not severe.
Leather has a prominent place in industrial-style spaces, as (you guessed it) furniture upholstery. Leather embodies the essence of industrial style, which is all about taking something old and giving it new life and purpose. It's equal parts rugged and refined. Think about furnishing your industrial living space with a cosy leather club chair or leather side chairs with metal legs. If you don't want to go too crazy with leather, think about furnishing your space with a leather ottoman or pouffe instead.
Soft Textiles.
Without any softness, an industrial space can feel a bit cold and uninviting. This is where faux fur and thick wool textiles come in. Soften the hard lines and cold metal of industrial furniture by throwing thick wool throw blankets over your sofa and side chairs. It might seem glamorously out of place in concept, but a faux sheepskin or hide rug can be one of the best additions to an industrial space, as it can add softness and texture to bare floors.
As far as patterns, once again the flexibility of industrial lofts comes into play. It can be any pattern you like and can even be a combination of boho, geometric, and stripes. This is a chance to experiment and discover your own personal look.
Industrial Shelving.
What do you get when you combine wooden planks and metal pipes? Chic industrial storage solutions for your home.
Open shelves are a great way to display your knick-knacks and show off your personality. These are also perfect for defining space within your home.
Edison Lights
Get it right, down to the details. Industrial-style lighting can come in many forms, most of which are old vintage lamps making a comeback. But the most popular style by far is the Edison light. These filament bulbs from the 20th century give off a warm yellow-orange glow.
You don’t have to swap out your energy-efficient lights for century-old bulbs, however; there are many LED versions in the same vintage style. Hang it loosely via its wires or frame it in metal to get the look you’re going for.
Exposed walls bring an industrial style together
Antique-Looking Wall Art.
When it comes to wall art, industrial style favours prints of old designs over new and modern art. Blueprints, diagrams, maps, and vintage posters all work really well in industrial spaces where abstract paintings, colour-blocked posters, and overly colourful photos might not. If you're looking for more texture, metal wall sculptures, well-travelled license plates, and old store signs can all be dynamic additions to your walls.
Much like minimalism, an interior design based around industrial style has a limit to the number of accessories that should be in the room. You’re looking to keep your services clutter-free and always clean, so try to go for items of furniture that have extra storage. Industrial interior design is often described as very masculine, simply because it is dark and robust. But don’t be afraid to add in some unique touches, like metal structures and sculptures, or stone ones.
Though accessories and decor aren't necessary for perfecting the industrial look, they can really tie a space together and give it some personality that its rigid foundation might be lacking. Plants are especially important in ensuring that an industrial space doesn't look too dreary – they can literally breathe life into a room. Struggle to care for live plants? Go with artificial instead. You can get creative with planters – think about repurposing old cans or other vessels instead of buying new pots. If you do go with new pots, opt for matte cement pots and situate them on metal plant stands.
Industrial Design doesn’t have to be cold or uninviting.
In Summary.
An advantage of industrial spaces is that they can be decked out in just about any style. This means anything you want goes and often results in an eclectic blend of styles with leather seating, boho rugs, and mid-century coffee tables. Flexibility is the only true principle of urban industrial design. Fill the space with antique pieces or keep it open and minimalist — the beauty of the industrial design is that the gritty architectural elements make an intriguing backdrop for every kind of look.
8 Ways To Maximise Storage In Your Bedroom.
If you have little to no space in your bedroom, you really have no choice but to get creative with how you store your belongings. Thankfully, there are a ton of ways you can make your limited space work for you. Here are our top 8 tips to help you maximise storage in your bedroom.
If you have little to no space in your bedroom, you really have no choice but to get creative with how you store your belongings. Thankfully, there are a ton of ways you can make your limited space work for you. Here are our top 8 tips to help you maximise storage in your bedroom.
Choose a bed frame that allows you to have storage underneath the bed.
1. Maximize Under The Bed Storage.
Simply put, this is one of the smartest and easiest ways to add a whole area of storage to your sleep space. If you don’t currently have any storage, you’ve got several options: Buy a new storage bed, DIY an under-the-bed storage solution, or raise your current bed and add storage containers. The trick is to keep these storage solutions out of sight, which removes the visual clutter in your bedroom.
2. Organize Drawers To Free Up Space.
Think folding like Marie Kondo and using drawer dividers. If you have a chest of drawers, take some time first to declutter anything that’s not being used, then refold all of your items, and you will be surprised at how much more space you have. If you have out of season clothes such as that winter jacket you used pre-Covidd when heading in colder climates, consider vacuum packing these bulky items to save you precious drawer space.
3. Optimise Space In Your Wardrobe.
While you are looking at your drawers, don't forget to take a peek inside your wardrobe. How well organised is this precious space? If you can buy hangers that allow you to hang multiple pairs of trousers, for example, would that free up space within your wardrobe? Would adding more hanging bars or a couple of shelves make your wardrobe work harder for you? Before you invest in new furniture, consider how well the pieces have been working for you.
4. Consider Double Duty Furniture.
If possible, make each piece of furniture within your bedroom serve more than one function. You can use a chest as your night table; could your desk also serve as a vanity? You may need to get creative with what function your furniture serves within your bedroom.
Consider building in a wall of wardrobes to add in additional storage to your space.
5. Consider A Built In Wardrobe.
Carpentry can be expensive, so this may not be an option for everyone. However, if you have the space to install an even shallow or thin wardrobe along your walls, this will free up floor space. Choosing a light colour can help the wardrobe blend into the background rather than dominating the entire space. If your budget is tight, consider modular solutions such as the IKEA Pax system for your space or even head to second-hand marketplace Carousell for a pre-loved wardrobe that will fit into your space.
6. Store Only The Essentials In Your Bedroom.
This one may seem obvious; however, when you start to declutter your current drawers or wardrobe, you may find yourself asking, “does this item really belong in here?” You may, for example, be storing kids clothes in your master bedroom as they are too big for your child at the moment. Is this the best use of your space, or is there another place within the nursery to keep these? If you occasionally use your bedroom as a gym, does all the equipment need to live there, or would your dusty yoga mat be better stored in your bomb shelter?
Critically assess your clothing to see what is worth keeping and taking up storage space.
7. The Back Of The Door Is Useful Space.
The back of the door is often overlooked as a storage space, but nowadays, you can add so much storage there with a little creativity. Think shelving, shoe storage, baskets. When the door is open, you won’t even see them. Another great solution is rather than have a stand-alone full-length mirror, use a mirror that hangs over the back of the door.
8. Declutter Regularly.
Whilst decluttering can be cumbersome and time-consuming, doing it regularly, maybe every 6 months, will be more beneficial in the long run than simply adding new furniture to store new items. Donate or sell items you no longer need or use. Throw away or recycle broken items regularly so that you are consistently freeing up space within your home. If you haven’t used an item of clothing for 6 months, ask yourself, do you really want to keep it, or would you rather free up space for that new item you just purchased?
What Is The Most Relaxing Colour To Paint A Bedroom?
What are the best room shades for sleep? Sleep is not just rest, it is likewise just how our body repairs services, revitalizes and re-energizes for the next day. This is why having an excellent area to rest as well as recover in is so important for a healthy life. Our bedrooms are our safe space made to make us feel as in your home and comfortable as possible.
What are the best room shades for sleep? Sleep is not just rest, it is likewise just how our body repairs services, revitalizes and re-energizes for the next day. This is why having an excellent area to rest as well as recover in is so important for a healthy life. Our bedrooms are our safe space made to make us feel as in your home and comfortable as possible.
Even, the colours in your room can impact the high quality as well as the amount you sleep. It might seem surprising, but the shades in your bedroom can influence your mood, which consequently impacts your sleep. So prior to you pick a colour to paint your entire room, or buying a brand-new bedding collection, we suggest you take a look at which colours are the most effective for promoting relaxation and also healthy resting behaviours.
What is the Science?
Why is selecting the best colour so essential? Every marketing master recognizes that shades resemble magic. The very same chooses to sleep. Shades can influence your emotions and also your state of mind. For example, some research studies have revealed that checking out the shade red rises the heart rate as well as adrenaline flow. If that happens before bed, you can only imagine exactly how it may make you sleep.
Right here's just how shades influence your habits. Various colours affect your mood, which makes you act in a different way. Remember the colour red? There's a reason bull competitors make use of a red cape. And targets are red. They enhance enthusiasm, also anger, as well as excitement. Various other influences that shades may have are the taste of food, and exactly how warm or cool something really feels. This makes good sense; we even classify them cosy and also awesome shades. If you can comprehend the way shades affect you, you can decorate much more functionally, specifically for rest.
Especially, this is exactly how colours affect sleep. Softened or low-key tones advertise better sleep than even more lively primary ones. Additionally, this isn't simply an old wives tale. These suggestions are data-driven. Showing that the best bedroom colours for rest exceed just viewpoint. A research study of over 2,000 Travelodge hotels aided establish which colours assist and harm rest. It is additionally suggested to use a level finish over shiny. This assists colours appear softer, as well as softer methods sleepier.
Based upon shade psychology, research study, and also the referrals of sleep professionals, below are the very best bedroom colours for rest, in addition to the worst colours to paint your bedroom:
Blue Brings Calm.
Blue is the best colour for sleep. Blue is calming. Calming is sleep. The eyes even have special receptors in the retinas called ganglion cells, which makes the brain specifically responsive to blue. If there is one point you can do right, it's painting your bedroom blue. Without a doubt, this holds the location at the top of our listing for the very best room’s colours for sleep.
Not A Fan of Blue? Here are other great choices:
Yellow Brings Happiness.
Yellow is the second-best colour to choose for sleep. Wake up happy with yellow, sunshine walls.
Green Brings Outdoors Indoors.
Green is an organic colour that reminds us of nature. People sleeping in green bedrooms reported waking up feeling upbeat and positive.
Orange Brings Warmth.
Orange is a good colour because it is warm and happy. It is also said that orange helps with indigestion, which could be keeping you awake at night as well. Variations of orange to consider include terracotta or clay if a bright orange is not for you.
Pink Brings Softness.
This is a great choice for a bedroom, especially if you pick a soft muted pink colour that is more natural and close to a skin tone than a pretty pony. A soft natural pink tone is comforting and typically has soft orange undertones. Feng Shui often suggests using gentle colours that are similar to skin tones because they give us a calm zen-like feeling. We suggest against choosing a hot pink colour as it gets too close to the red family which is aggressive, energetic, and difficult to sleep around.
How to Maximise Space In A Small Bedroom.
In order to ensure a tight space fits all your needs, you'll have to get creative with your small bedroom layout, furnishings, storage solutions, and design choices. With the right pieces in the right places, the elements can come together to create a comfortable, organized retreat. Whether you're looking for small master bedroom ideas or decorating advice for a little guest room, these tips on how to decorate a small bedroom will help you maximise whatever space you have available and make it feel much larger than it actually is.
In Singapore, space is at a premium; our homes are getting smaller. Based on 2018 resale transactions, the average area size of a 4-room flat across HDB estates across the island is around 1,027 sq ft. Meanwhile, 4-room flats in new Built-To-Order (BTO) projects offered in 2018 were roughly 1,001 sq ft. Bedrooms are getting smaller, but thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, many homes need to do double or triple duty as not only a space for sleeping but also a home office or home gym.
If you have a small bedroom, it’s more important than ever to get clever in making your space whilst catering for your home’s needs. To ensure a tight space fits all your needs, you'll have to get creative with your small bedroom layout, furnishings, storage solutions, and design choices. With the right pieces in the right places, the elements can come together to create a comfortable, organised retreat.
Whether you're looking for small master bedroom ideas or decorating advice for a little guest room, these tips on how to decorate a small bedroom will help you maximise whatever space you have available and make it feel much larger than it actually is.
Consider How the Room Functions.
To make the most of a small bedroom, you first need to decide how you plan to use the space. Sleeping is a given, of course, but you might also want to use the room as a home office area or a place to get dressed in the morning. You'll likely need to get creative with bedroom furniture arrangements to accommodate various functions. For instance, you could push the desk next to the wall by your bed so it can pull double-duty as a bedside table as well as your home office. Once you are clear on the room's functionality, you then know what is essential and what is nice to have.
Build storage around the bed.
Bespoke wardrobes are the most effective way to get the most out of your bedroom storage. Building wardrobes on either side of the bed help to create a frame that holds the gaze on that one wall. This allows the remaining walls to be free of any obstructions, which will take up valuable space. Use the other walls for artwork or mirrors instead. You could use the space further by creating storage above the bed too, be mindful not to make the decor feel dated – or claustrophobic with too much going on. If in doubt, keep the shelving above the bed to a simple floating shelf, one on which to keep an alarm clock and display trinkets.
Bulk Up Your Bedside.
Storage space is one of the essentials in our bedroom checklist. But if you don’t have a lot of room, maximise the space next to your bed. Instead of a bedside table, opt for a small dresser or a compact chest of drawers instead. These function just like a bedside table but offer more storage for clothes, sheets, and other essentials. You can even pull in a set of baskets underneath for storing small items, such as books or pillows.
Opt for Double-Duty Pieces.
Smaller spaces mean less room for more furniture. But that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice storage! One of the easiest (and cost-efficient) small space hacks to maximise storage in a small bedroom is choosing pieces with multiple functions. Think of a bookcase that doubles as a room divider. Furniture with hidden storage. A dresser that doubles as a TV stand. A console table that doubles as a desk. Basically, make sure your furniture pulls its weight by giving you multiple functions!
Float Some Shelves.
If a small bedside table, chest, or bookshelf are all still taking up too much floor space, opt for a floating shelf or two (or three!), which leaves zero footprints and won’t clutter up a small bedroom that’s already tight on space. The best part is that these can go anywhere and double as display surfaces for cool art, personal objects, and plants.
Consider adding storage to your headboard.
Free Up Desk Space By Opting For Wall Lights.
These are one the best ideas for small bedrooms because they will practically give you more free space. Instead of heavy table lamps, consider mounting your lights on the wall. This is especially useful for anyone who has a teeny-tiny bedside table or none at all. You can use vertical space and keep other things on the side table instead.
Full-length Curtains Create An Illusion Of Height.
Another great idea for small bedrooms is to hang your curtains and drapery as close to the ceiling as possible. This trick works in adding visual length and tricks your eye into believing that your room is bigger than it actually is. Also, pick light fabrics for curtains—sheer cloth works best. This will keep the light coming in and not make your room look heavy.
This dresser doubles as a TV console whilst the iron bed and plant makes the room feel brighter and more spacious.
Plants Bring Life Into A Small Room.
Why should plants always stay outside the bedroom? Especially for plant lovers, you can bring greenery to your bedroom as well. When it comes to decorating with plants, choose a corner and place your favourite planter right there. Not only will this give a fresh feel to your interiors, but it also helps uplift your mood if ever the size of your room starts bothering you.
Go For Hidden Storage With Fitted Furniture.
Having a small bedroom doesn’t necessarily mean lesser clothes or accessories. It simply means that you need to use every inch of space at your disposal. One of the best ideas for small bedrooms is to have concealed storage in fixed furniture. You can have an elevated platform and have drawers that come out of it. This is a clever way to add storage without making it too obvious.
Add Texture With Rugs.
Instead of doing up your walls, look down. Your floor can have some texture in the form of a rug. A little bit of texture goes a long way in adding some depth to a room. Choose something that merges with the rest of your decor, or go all out with a bold colour. You will not regret either.
Consider A Platform Bed.
Another great way to add more storage is to have it underneath your bed. And platform beds are one of the most popular ways of squeezing in storage in Singapore homes. For this, you can go for a regular bed with hydraulic storage or opt for a platform bed. You can also look for a bed that has an option or shelves for storage. A platform bed serves a dual purpose of being a bed at night and a makeshift daybed during the rest of the day.
What You Need To Know About Kitchen Renovation Costs 2021.
What is a kitchen renovation going to cost you? Do I need to reno my kitchen? Why is there such a difference between renovating a resale HDB kitchen compared to a BTO? These are very common concerns among homeowners in Singapore. Whether you want to redo your entire kitchen or renovate it in parts, you must know the details of what you are going to be spending on. Our guide is here to help you navigate.
What is a kitchen renovation going to cost you? Do I need to reno my kitchen? Why is there such a difference between renovating a resale HDB kitchen compared to a BTO? These are very common concerns among homeowners in Singapore. Whether you want to redo your entire kitchen or renovate it in parts, you must know the details of what you are going to be spending on. Our guide is here to help you navigate.
Before you begin, do you need to renovate your kitchen?
Let’s look at this objectively, whilst you might like an upgrade to your kitchen, it will cost you your hard-earned money and time to do it. Most kitchens will last at least 10 years before starting to look worn or are in need of a refresh. Having said that, a well-maintained kitchen can last 20 years. If a kitchen is only used for light cooking, for example, you may not actually need to renovate it right away.
You should also look at other factors such as whether the kitchen needs to be refurbished.
Are the tiles in good condition or are they chipped or worse hollow?
Are any of the cabinet door hinges rusting or hanging loose and beyond repair?
Is the grout in good condition or is it discoloured or missing or cracked?
What is the condition of the countertop? Are they stained or cracked from use?
Is the piping in good condition or are there leaks? Remember leaks from piping can seep into your cabinets causing them to literally rot off the wall.
So maybe you have identified that there are some structural issues that renovating your kitchen would solve. The next question to ask, is are you going to do a full renovation, i.e. rip everything out and start again? Or would a partial renovation be sufficient e.g. just replacing the cabinet doors?
In order to decide what best meets your needs, it’s a good idea to sit down and look at what works and what doesn’t about your current kitchen. This is a great time to decide if the layout that you have suits your lifestyle or whether it’s better to start from scratch and layout the kitchen in a different way.
If you do decide to do a full kitchen revamp, obviously the costs will be higher to do this. Hacking out the old kitchen, replacing all the cabinetry and potentially changing the layout is a big undertaking which of course has costs attached to it.
What factors determine the ultimate cost of your kitchen renovation?
Space to be renovated.
The space to be renovated will determine the cost. Since the factors differentiate depending on the type of space to be renovated, the cost of renovation will also vary as well.
2. Home Type.
The kitchen renovation costs of condo units, HDB units and landed properties can differ wildly. The layouts of private homes can vary wildly, therefore the costs can go up.
3. Material used.
The type of material used in renovation hugely affects the cost of renovation. For instance, if you want to use unique, rare and expensive materials to renovate your kitchen, you should be well prepared to pay for this. Shop around to find materials that suit your style and your budget.
4. Where you buy from.
We live in a free economic market, meaning that it’s up to the seller to determine the price. Whilst some companies will offer packages (more on that later), others will offer the same materials at a higher price. Always try to negotiate if you find the materials that you want but it’s outside of the budget you had set aside and needless to say, it pays to spend some time shopping around to compare pricing.
5. The company you work with.
The contractor you choose to do your kitchen renovation will largely impact your renovation cost. If you choose a well experienced and established contractor, you will definitely pay him/her more for the service. Likewise, if you select a contractor who is not well experienced and established chances are that you will pay him/her less for his/her services. The contractor will be the one to tell you how much material you need to buy for renovation purposes.
6. How hands-on you are.
If you are planning to do a minor kitchen renovation, you can actually save more money if you do some of the work by yourself. Some simple work like replacing countertops or painting kitchen cabinets can actually be done on a weekend do–it–yourself. This of course all depends on whether you have the skills and can source the materials.
So, how much does a kitchen renovation cost?
The total cost and estimated budget of a kitchen renovation in Singapore are usually around $ 10,000 – $ 15,000. depending on the process. If you want to find a cheaper one, you can choose a carpentry renovation project. It usually only costs about $ 5,000.
Tips to bring down the cost of kitchen renovation
While there are many ways to save money on kitchen renovation, here are some quick pointers:
Save up on materials: Of course, opting for budgeted materials for the countertop and backsplash will go a long way in reducing the overall cost of renovation.
Carpentry designs: Choosing a relatively simpler design for carpentry is a great way to skimp on the budget. It does not need to look boring but just needs to be less complex.
Tile work: Save up on a huge cost by simply overlaying tiles instead of completely hacking and installing new ones.
Reconfigure current kitchen cabinets: In some cases, you can update your kitchen cabinets yourself:
Repair damaged parts by laminating them.
Replaced more modern hinges, pulls, and knobs.
Add lighting under the cabinet or over the cabinet.
Install slide racks on the inside of cabinets and other storage systems.
Repainting and changing the outer appearance of the cabinet.
Finally: Beware the Kitchen Package.
Many contractors and even interior design companies offer renovation packages that bundle accessories, materials, design and labour costs. These deals might be attractive if the items included are brand name fittings and accessories like Blum. On their own, branded items can be quite costly.
It’s worth noting that packages have a very specific scope of work and materials. Some renovation companies might put a limit on for example the size of countertops that is included or not be clear on the materials that they plan to use. Generally, if you deviate from what’s included in the package, you most likely have to top up to do so. Be sure to get a comprehensive itemised quote if you are considering a kitchen renovation package to avoid disappointment.
Consider taking up a package deal if the terms of the contract make the most sense for your budget and for your needs. Spend the time to determine your exact needs, shop around and get multiple quotes before you decide.
The Pros And Cons Of A Kitchen Island.
There are quite a few considerations when looking at installing a kitchen island. If planned out correctly, it can add additional storage and counter space to your home. Poor planning can result in an island that disrupts the flow of your kitchen and incurs an additional expense for a kitchen island that you want to rip out.
So you are thinking of installing a kitchen island in your HDB, Condo or Landed Property? Let’s look at the plus points and the drawbacks to installing a kitchen island. Ultimately, you want the kitchen island to be functional and add to the aesthetic of your home, but you need to ensure you have enough space and that it doesn’t disrupt the flow of your home.
Firstly, keep in mind that the function of an island is to have all sides open to working on. If there isn’t enough space in your kitchen, you’ll end up bumping into it more than anything else. For unrestricted movement, experts suggest you need at least 1 metre of clearance on all sides when you draw up your kitchen island designs, without which the island may become an obstacle.
If there is enough space for a kitchen island, there are still things to consider to make sure it’s suited to the design. Even in larger kitchens, sometimes it’s hard to get as much counter space as you want. An island can help create an extra landing space for hot dishes, extra prep space, or even a spot to do your baking. It can also play into the visual/aesthetic portion of the design if you choose to make that countertop a contrasting or accent colour.
Similar to counter space, an island can provide more cabinet space under the counter. The area beneath can be used for additional storage to help you organize your pots, pans and other necessities. And, if you have the extra space, you can even add an appliance to your island.
Added Seating.
An island can also be used for kitchen seating by adding a breakfast bar to one side. An island with seating, such as barstools, gives you another place where friends and family can gather to talk and create memories.
Space Definition.
In an open concept plan, there are no walls on one or more sides of the kitchen. An island can provide added countertop space with no walls, but can also form a virtual divide between a kitchen and the adjoining spaces without closing it off. This can even out the work triangle and make space for the cook to work while still visiting the company in the other room.
Adding a kitchen island can easily convert a kitchen layout. For example, an L-shaped kitchen can quickly be turned into a U-shaped kitchen with an added island. Then, with an open concept plan, you can interact with those not in the kitchen while you’re creating meals.
Not suitable for wiring and venting.
The centre of your kitchen may not always be suited to wire or vent. Check with your designer to see whether it is safe to install a cooker or plugin appliances, so you can have a secure cooking experience.
Remember putting a cooktop on an island, it’s not only hard to vent, but a hot surface in an open area can be dangerous for children or people reaching across.
Disrupts the work triangle.
Ideal kitchen layouts with an island should have easy access to the cooker, refrigerator, and sink (the work triangle). An island can disrupt this structure and put obstacles in the way of preparation, cooking and cleanup.
Comparatively expensive.
Adding an extra workspace in the kitchen means adding more materials which could mean greater costs. The extra countertop and cabinets might add up to more than the flooring that would otherwise take the island’s place.
In summary, there are quite a few considerations when looking at installing a kitchen island. If planned out correctly, it can add additional storage and counter space to your home. Poor planning can result in an island that disrupts the flow of your kitchen and incurs an additional expense for a kitchen island that you want to rip out.
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